Ph.D viva voce examination of Mr. Mohammad Salman Roll No.184033007
Candidate: Mr. Mohammad Salman Roll No.184033007
Topic: " Synthesis and Reactions of Polycycles
Containing Cage Compounds and Indoles".
Chairperson: Prof. Prabhu N., Metallurgical Engineering & Materials
Science Department
External Examiner: Prof. Shreerang V. Joshi, Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences and Technology, Institute of Chemical
Technology, Mumbai - 400019, India
Internal Examiner: Prof. I.N.N. Namboothiri, Chemistry Department
Supervisor: Prof. Sambasivarao Kotha(Superannuated on-2022-10-31),
Chemistry Department
Co-Supervisor: Prof. M. Ravikanth , Chemistry Department
Date & Time: Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 3.00 PM.
Venue: (Hybrid Mode) Room no. 350, Chemistry Department
Second floor, Annex