Ph.D viva voce examination of Ms. Gurpreet Kaur Roll No.194033003
Candidate: Ms. Gurpreet Kaur Roll No.194033003
Topic: "Functionalization of Triphyrin(2.1.1)s and
their use in the Synthesis of Triphyrin based
Chairperson: Prof. Suresh K.G., Physics Department
External Examiner: Prof. Jeyaraman Sankar, Department of Chemistry Indian
Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal
Indore Bypass Road Bhopal-462066, Madhya Pradesh
Internal Examiner: Prof. Krishna P. Kaliappan, Chemistry Department
Supervisor: Prof. M. Ravikanth , Chemistry Department
Date & Time: Monday, July 29, 2024, 11.00 AM.
Venue: (Hybrid Mode) Room no. 350, Chemistry Department
Second floor, Annex