Speaker: Prof. Abhishek Dey
Professor, Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Science (IACS), Kolkata
Title: “Selectivity in CO2 Reduction: Beyond 2e-/2H+”.
Day and Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Time: 11.00 am.
Venue: Room no. 350, Chemistry Department
Second floor, Annex
Abstract CO2 can be reduced to several C1 products like CO or HCOOH, HCHO, CH3OH and
CH4 which vary in the number of electrons and protons transferred to CO2.
Thethermodynamic driving forces for all these nH+/ne- reductionsfall
within a narrow range with the 2e-/2H+ reduction being most energy
demanding. This,
along with a similar reduction potential for H+ reduction, makes attaining
selectivity for a single product difficult to attain under electrocatalytic
conditions. Factors like hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions and
spin states have been proposed to affect the selectivity of 2e-/2H+
reduction and will be briefly discussed. The lecture will detail the
newest developments from this laboratory in obtaining selective reduction
of CO2 to CH3OH and CH4. It will focus on the mechanism of these reaction
via identifying the intermediates using in-situ spectro-electrochemistry
and parallel chemical preparation of these species followed by their
spectroscopic characterization. The mechanism discovered thus far reveals
that the product of CO2reduction can be generally controlled by
regioselective protonation of these CO2 derived intermediates involved. In
fact, these intermediates can also be used to methylate organic molecules
and even form C-C bonds to result in C2 products like ethane selectively.