Make and Model: 
Quantachrome Autosorb AS-1Version-1.55
Surface area analyzer is a very sensitive technique to find out the surface area, size, shape and volume of the pores. It is also useful to calculate the catalytic activity of the solid catalyst.
• Fully automated analyzer for surface area and pore size measurement. • Operate with any non-corrosive adsorbate and wide variety of coolants. • High sensitivity is ensured by multiple pressure transducers, minimum void volume and accurate coolant level control. • Machine can be used to calculate the surface area and pore size distribution of the sample. • It can also calculate the total pore volume of the sample.
Available mode of use: 

Nitrogen at 77K Hydrogen at 77 K Carbon dioxide at 273K


Room 370,  Central Facility, Chemistry Bldg.

Contact details: 
022-25764159 Darshan Mhatre
Faculty Incharge: 

Prof. R. Murugavel (

Prof. Sanjog Nagarkar (