Make and Model: 
Rigaku Micro Max – 007HF High Intensity Microfocus Rotating Anode X – ray Generator.
It facilitates to determine accurately the spatial arrangement of the atoms in a molecule in three dimensional spaces. This helps in determination of structures of biological macromolecules (such as proteins and enzymes etc.) to understand the interactions and functions at the molecular levels.
 Target : Cu  Scanning mode : 0 - 180o ω scan: 0 - 180o θ scan  Detector : Rigaku R Axis IV ++  Beam size at the sample : 100 μm  Data can be collected at low temperature (100 K)
Available mode of use: 

 Solid (crystals, fibres, small molecules)


Room No. 103, Ground floor, Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (S.A.I.F), IITB

Contact details: 
022-25767165 (RA group)
Faculty Incharge: 

Prof. Ruchi Anand (