Currently, the Department has 39 faculty members devoted to graduate and post-graduate teaching and world-class research in Chemistry. In addition, we have equally devoted 18 non-teaching staff taking care of administrative and other duties. We have one of the largest PhD programs in Chemistry in the country and currently have more than 300 PhD students and about 200 undergraduate students working towards their BS/MS degrees. The Department has been successfully running a visiting faculty program, in which, renowned scientists from the country and abroad regularly visit our Department.
Our Strength:
38 Faculty Members
~40 Post-Docs
~320 Ph.D. students
~120 B.S. students
~100 M.Sc. students
Faculty Recognitions:
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize (6)
J C Bose Fellowship (7)
Fellows: INSA (8) , IAS (13), NASI (11), INSA Young Scientist (7)
Swarnajayanti Fellowship (3)
CRSI Medals (22)