Make and Model: 
Amersham Typhoon 5 by Cytiva
Amersham Typhoon gel scanner is designed for versatile imaging and precise quantitation of nucleic acids and proteins. It is used to image multi-fluorescent, radioisotope-labeled, samples on gels, membranes, tissue sections. It supports Phosphorimaging, RGB and near IR fluorescence as well as sensitive and accurate quantitation of proteins by Chemiluminescence.
1. Detection mode: Fluorescence, Phosphorimaging, Densitometry, Chemiluminescence 2. Lasers: LD488, SHG532, LD635, LD685, LD785 3. Pixel size: 10, 25, 50, 100 or 200μm and a 1000 μm pre-scan 4. Standard Filters: IP Fltr 390BP, Cy2 Fltr 525BP20, Cy3 Fltr 570BP20, Cy5 Fltr 670BP30, IRshort Fltr 720BP20, IRlong Filtr 825BP30 5. Scanning Area: 40 x 46 cm

Room No 360, 2nd floor, Computer Lab,Chemistry Building

Contact details: 
022-25764159, Amol (
Faculty Incharge: 

Prof. Pradeepkumar P. I. (