Make and Model: 
MALS detector with AF 2000 Flow FFF and SEC by POSTNOVA
In MALS detector (Multi Angle Light Scattering), the scattered light is detected at various different angles at the same time. The intensity of the scattered light at each angle is proportional to the        molar mass and the concentration of the molecules under investigation. Flow FFF: It is useful for characterization of Proteins, Biopolymers. Depending on the Field-Flow Fractionation method used, force fields are applied perpendicular to the separation channel. Under the influence of these force fields and the counteracting diffusion field, different equilibrium layers are formed by the sample analytes. Smaller particles are located in faster and bigger particles are located in slower stream lines of the laminar flow inside the channel. This results in the elution pattern where smaller particles are transported faster through the channel than the bigger ones. SEC-MALS: The basis of the SEC technique is the separation of macromolecules in solution according to their size (hydrodynamic volume). The sample solution is injected into a specialized liquid chromatography system containing SEC chromatography columns. The SEC columns separate the sample such that the largest molecules elute first and the smallest last. Once the macromolecules are separated, then with help of MALS detector, we can get relative molecular weights (molar masses) of macromolecules such as polysaccharides and proteins and structural data including Radius of Gyration.
1. MALS Detector: 21 angle laser light scattering detector using green laser 532nm. 2. AF 2000 Control module and 2 FFF Pumps 3. RI detector 4. UV detector 5. Channel cartridge and Membrane (suitable for aqueous system only)

Room No 370, Second floor, Central Facility Room, Chemistry Building.

Contact details: 
022-25764159, Amol Hanumante (
Faculty Incharge: 

Prof. Kamendra Sharma (