Make and Model: 
Bruker EMX Plus series (Germany)
Electron paramagnetic resonance is an excellent tool to understand the electronic structure of the paramagnetic complexes.
• Equipped with X-band and Q-band • Measurement can be performed in a single crystal • Magnetic field sweep is possible from 100 mG to the maximum field depends upon the band (X/Q) selected. • Variable temperature measurements can be performed (4K – 300 K)
Available mode of use: 
  • Solid (both powder and single crystals)
  • Liquids

Ground Floor (Behind the security office, adjacent to the chemistry building), Department of Chemistry

Contact details: 
022-25764132 Narendra / Niteen
Faculty Incharge: 

Prof. R. Murugavel (

Prof. Maheswaran Shanmugam (