Make and Model: 
Shimadzu (Japan) UV-NIR-3600
UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer is a high sensitivity, high resolution, low stray light instrument for transmission and absorption measurements of powder, thin films, solid and liquid samples. It is normally fitted with an Integrating Sphere with a working range of 185 to 3300 nm.
• Experiments can be performed with wide range of wavelength 185 nm - 3300 nm. • Equipped with 3 detectors 1. PMT (photomultiplier tube) for the ultraviolet and visible regions. 2. InGaAs and PbS detectors for near infrared regions. • High performance double monochromator and ultra-low stray light (less than 340 nm) is achieved at high resolution (highest resolution 0.1 nm). • Suitable for powder, thin films, solid and liquid samples. • Variable temperature measurement facilities available.
Available mode of use: 
  • Solid
  • Liquid

Room 370, Central Facility, Chemistry Building

Contact details: 
022-25764159 Amol/Neelam
Faculty Incharge: 

Prof. M. Ravikanth (