Make and Model: 
Elementar (Germany) Vario Micro cube
The C, H, N, S (O) analyser finds utility in determining the carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur of organic compounds based on the principle of “Dumas method” which involves the complete instantaneous oxidation of the sample by “flash combustion”. The combustion product are separated by chromatographic column and detected by thermal conductivity detector.
• High temperature combustion: quantitative sample digestion at 1200 degree Celsius • Largest weighing range:(>1 mg to 800 mg) • Temperature Programmed Desorption (automated optimization of the time per analysis)
Available mode of use: 
  • • Gas
  • • Solid
  • • Liquids

Room 370, Central Facility, Chemistry Building

Contact details: 
022-25764159 Charine Astrid
Faculty Incharge: 

Prof. M. S. Balakrishna (