Seminar by Prof. Suresh K. Bhargava, FRSC, FTSE, FAAAS, FNAE, Disting. Professor & Director-CAMIC Centre, School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne on " Re-defining Innovation: Gold beyond Jewellery"

27 Jan 2023
Seminar Room # 350, second floor annex

Speaker: Prof. Suresh K. Bhargava,
Disting. Professor & Director-CAMIC Centre,
School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne

Title: “Re-defining Innovation: Gold beyond Jewellery.”

Day and Date: Friday, January 27, 2023

Time: 2.30 pm.

Venue: Room no. 350, Chemistry Department
Second floor, Annex

Hosted by Prof. Chandramouli Subramaniam

Talk Title : "Re-defining Innovation: Gold beyond Jewellery."
The noble metal Gold loses its nobility at the nano and molecular levels. This talk will show a multidisciplinary innovative approach to nano and molecular engineering of gold and their novel application in various fields including hydrogen and mercury sensors as well as molecular designing for cancer treatment. The talk will discuss how gold loses its nobility at the nano and molecular levels. The science of two case studies will be described, one at the molecular level and one at the nano level.