Seminar by Prof. Stellios Arseniyadis on "Simple synthetic tools, great outcome – From bio- hybrid catalysis to organometallic catalysis, recent results."

23 Jan 2018
Seminar Room #350
Seminar by Prof. Stellios Arseniyadis on "Simple synthetic tools, great outcome – From bio- hybrid catalysis to organometallic catalysis, recent results."
For the past several years, the group has focused on the development of new synthetic tools with a special emphasis given to structural and functional complexity. These methods span within the areas of organocatalysis, transition metal catalysis and, more recently, bio-hybrid catalysis. In this context, we’ve developed various metalcatalyzed allylic alkylation processes allowing a straightforward access to various chiral building blocks including β2,2-amino acids, β-lactams and α-phosphono oxaheterocycles. We’ve also been very active in the field of DNA-based asymmetric catalysis. I’ll present here our recent results.