Half day Symposium
1400-1540: Session 1. Chair: Prof. G. K. Lahiri
Application of ring-rearrangement metathesis approach to carbocycles and
heterocycles: A grand design
Prof. S. R. Kotha, IIT Bombay
Bits of Metal Complexes -Pieces of DNA
Prof. Avinash Kumbhar,
Probing Bis-Fe(IV)MauG: Spin Coupling and Isolation of Highly Reactive
Radical Intermediates
Prof. Sankar Prasad Rath, IIT Kanpur
1540-1600: Tea
1600-1710: Session 1. Chair: Prof. H. B. Singh
Highly Selective and Catalytic Oxygenations of C-H and C=C Bonds by a Mononuclear Nonheme High-Spin Iron(III)-Alkylperoxo Species
Prof. Tapan Kanti Paine, IACS Kolkata
Tuning the properties of misfit Calcium Cobalt Oxide by playing with stoichiometry
Prof. Leela Srinivas Panchakarla, IIT Bombay
1710-: Concluding session
All are welcome